70个美丽的玩偶摄影 jackchen 摄影志明信片 2011-04-12 3.84K 1 0 其实玩偶摄影是十分好玩的,也是比较独特的摄影类别。用创造性的灯光可以捕捉到特别的玩偶在场景中让你难以置信的镜头。玩具摄影最大的挑战就是如何把你所拍摄的玩偶拍出栩栩如生,拍出灵魂感,融合在你想要的场景中!下面是收集的70个玩偶摄影的美丽案例,你可以从中得到灵感! SotA Ken Ryu Tilt Shift Photography aka little toys The Arrival of a Star Destroyer Street Fighter Street Fighter He’s no good to me dead….but Goldfish are Here’s Johnny! Winged Warrior Three Note Charlie Indiana Voorhees and the Final Chapter Sunday Drive Hide and Go Seek In a land of mist… listening, observing.. Outside and ready to capture the Summer away Drawing In The Sand G-Force It’s A Small World For Gnomeregan! WALL-E On the Run Sheep in the big city Carl Summer Time Fun DOMO RUSH HOME Look what we found! Today’s Forecast – Windy It’s-a me, Mario! Cold Sunny Day DOMO CLEAN! Sackboy Yotsuba & Ramen Batman "sleep…don’t weep" Hey Geppetto, turn me into a real elephant! Woody had a couple of drinks. Toy Story Cosplay The Inconvenient Flaw of the Y-Wing. FASTER! Thinking of you. been there, done that. Hitching a Ride Ironman Disruption Domo, the Predator. Batman Joker Punisher Yotsuba & the Catch of the Day Laying with the Leaves Kingdom Hearts Helpless? Just Help Land Ahoy My Buddy The Last Crusade Gunslinger War Toys Gomez – Secret Super Spy Savage Henchman Attack at home Denizen of Dagobah The Comedian Tricycle Terror Band of Brothers GTA III Petit Lapin Autumn Loneliness 本文由 Jackchen Design 1984 作者:jackchen 发表,转载请注明来源! 关键词:photography, 创意, 摄影, 摄影师