20张摄影后期惊人效果例子 jackchen 摄影志明信片 2011-05-07 1.59K 0 0 胶片机在淡出舞台,数码早早已经成为了主流。摄影师在后期也可以让自己的想象力更加的天马行空。让照片创意无限。甚至有时候你都在想,他们是如何做到的!?下面的20张照片你知道摄影师们是如何做到的吗? Eternal Scream Double Spiral It might be conformal, it sure is ugly The Fear Inside of Me is Just Me Riefler clock_mathmapped Impossible Bookcase In the Room The George in Rye courtyard Noodle Bowl, Droste Style Clock 02 : Time Travel mmlog I am telling you, it is not straight Can I give you a… Infinite Gear Ratio Infinite Giraffe Teapot G35 Wheel Pentinfinite Time Spiral Circular Saw Spiraling Frame Radar Detector Required 本文由 Jackchen Design 1984 作者:jackchen 发表,转载请注明来源! 关键词:photography, 摄影师