

Sunday,Oct 11,2009
一辆汽车驰在古巴Ouivican州附近的公路上,古巴有25万个家庭农场与1100家私营合作社,粮食产量占到全国70%。摄影师:Desmond Boylan
A car drove near state-owned land near Quivican, Cuba, Sunday. Cuba has around 250,000 family farms and 1,100 private cooperatives, which together produce about 70% of the country’s food.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Thursday, Oct 15,2009
等待搭上运输直升机的美国大兵遮住眼睛,躲避风沙,阿富汗Paktika省。摄影师:Chris Hondros
U.S. Army soldiers shielded their eyes as a Chinook cargo helicopter came to pick them up from a mission in Paktika province, Afghanistan

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Thursday, Oct 15,2009
Kimberly高校的乐队成员在练习折起一面450磅重的美国国旗,这面国旗将在当日的比赛上使用,威斯康辛省。摄影师:Kirk Wagner
Kimberly High School band members practiced folding a 450-pound American flag at Papermaker Stadium in Kimberly, Wis.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Tuesday, Oct 13,2009
一张斯大林的照片掉落在莫斯科法庭的地板上,斯大林的孙子以诽谤罪起诉一家报纸,后者刊文称斯大林在独裁期间下令杀害了成千上万人。摄影师:Pavel Golovkin
A photograph of Josef Stalin lay on the floor at a Moscow courtroom Tuesday. A court ruled against Mr. Stalin’s grandson in a libel suit over a newspaper article that said the former Soviet dictator sent thousands of people to their deaths.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Monday,Oct 12,2009
乡村俱乐部Lakeville 的老板Gary Mosca发现有人在高尔夫球场草坪上进行破坏,被破坏的草坪呈现出纳粹符号与奥巴马的名字,警方已经介入事件调查。摄影师:Matt Stone
Lakeville, Mass., Country Club owner Gary Mosca looked at a swastika carved into the golf course green next to President Barack Obama’s name Tuesday.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Sunday,Oct 11,2009
大约1800艘帆船参加了本届Barcolana帆船赛,意大利北部湾。摄影师:Franco Debernardi
About 1,800 sail boats competed in the annual “Barcolana” regatta in the Gulf of Trieste, northern Italy, Sunday.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

Sunday,Oct 11,2009
一名男子在同性恋权益游行上举着标语牌,此次游行要求奥巴马兑现允许同性恋在军队中公开身份的诺言。摄影师:Molly Riley
A man held up a sign saying “Let’s make like a nail and press on” during a gay-rights rally in Washington Sunday. Rainbow flags fluttered as tens of thousands demanded that President Barack Obama keep his promise to let gays serve openly in the military.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:October 11 - 17,2009

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